DoT Opens M2M and WPAN/WLAN Registration to All Entities – March 31 Deadline

DoT Opens M2M and WPAN/WLAN Registration to All Entities - March 31 Deadline
DoT Opens M2M and WPAN/WLAN Registration to All Entities - March 31 Deadline

DoT Opens M2M and WPAN/WLAN Registration to All Entities – March 31 Deadline

In a significant move, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) under the Ministry of Communications (MoC) has expanded the registration ambit for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Wireless Personal Area Network/Wireless Local Area Network (WPAN/WLAN) services to include all entities. This encompasses businesses, government departments, partnership firms, and various organizations involved in M2M service provisioning and WPAN/WLAN Connectivity Provisioning.

Entities engaged in these services are strongly advised to complete the registration process through the SaralSanchar portal ( by March 31, 2024. Non-compliance with this directive may lead to the withdrawal or disconnection of telecom resources obtained from Authorized Telecom Licensees.

This initiative aims to foster a standardized and secure M2M/IoT ecosystem, addressing the concerns of M2M Service Providers and WPAN/WLAN Connectivity Providers regarding interface issues with Telecom Service Providers, KYC, Security, Encryption, and more.

DoT is unwavering in its commitment to developing a secure and innovative M2M/IoT landscape, aligning with the National Digital Communication Policy’s objectives. This policy focuses on creating a robust digital communication infrastructure, enabling next-generation technologies, and adopting a holistic approach for harnessing emerging technologies like M2M/IoT.

Guidelines for the registration process of M2M Service Providers (M2MSP) & WPAN/WLAN Connectivity Providers for M2M Services are available on the official DoT website: Read More. Don’t miss the March 31 deadline to ensure compliance with the expanded registration mandate.